Monday, December 1, 2008

Big 3 turns into 1, 1 and 1.

I knew it couldn't last.

According to this article:

the Big 3 have decided to abandon the image of camaredie and save their own skins.

Basically, since the government is asking for viable plans... they are each going to submit their own plans. And be judged on their own personal merit.

It's every man for himself now! OOH.

In fact, it is very likely that someone will ask: so... if we can only bailout 2 of you and the weakest has to declare bankruptcy... which one is the weakest?
And then... it will turn into the biggest pile of backstabbing ever. Ha. Actually, Ford might encourage that, since Ford is apparently in the strongest position.
Truth be told, the smartest thing Ford could do now is let the bailout fail entirely.

That would save Ford. If GM and Chrysler cease operations, and Ford scoops up all their customers who love American Cars... yes. That would pretty much put Ford firmly in the black, I think.

I think.

In fact, I would go so far as to say this: If GM and Chrysler go bankrupt, I would put 20%-40% of my total networth into buying Ford shares. And I would expect a 250% return on my investment in 5 years.

At the moment, though, I'm not touching any of the 3.

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