Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Vivid Videos vs YouPorn
Basically, Today, YouPorn is the No. 1 adult site in the world;, a pay site, is ranked 5,061. Vivid however has a LOT of income due to being one of the top Porn Companies in the world.
So this guy, the owner, Stephen Paul Jones , wants to sell youporn to vivid.
What's so interesting about this? Well for one, it's interesting to see how PAID porn deals with FREE PORN eating up it's market share. By buying it out? ... Is this going to be like the internet bubble? This is going to be the porn bubble?
Will this mean that Muslim countries like Malaysia will miss out?
Evidently, not completely:
"Jones told the men that he and one other executive, a young Malaysian man living in Australia, were the owners of YouPorn." His name is Zach Hong and he lives in Australia.
Oh yes. We Malaysians have something to be proud of. Malaysia Boleh! This guy should be in the Malaysian Book of Records... he might even be eligible for a Datukship!
FYI, Malaysia has decided to fight back by blocking streamyx access to, so will teach those who want to see what a Malaysian guy managed to create.
Ok, actually, this all turned out to be old news, but I just found out about it and I think that it's interesting...