Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Vivid Videos vs YouPorn

Article from

Basically, Today, YouPorn is the No. 1 adult site in the world;, a pay site, is ranked 5,061. Vivid however has a LOT of income due to being one of the top Porn Companies in the world.
So this guy, the owner, Stephen Paul Jones , wants to sell youporn to vivid.

What's so interesting about this? Well for one, it's interesting to see how PAID porn deals with FREE PORN eating up it's market share. By buying it out? ... Is this going to be like the internet bubble? This is going to be the porn bubble?

Will this mean that Muslim countries like Malaysia will miss out?

Evidently, not completely:

"Jones told the men that he and one other executive, a young Malaysian man living in Australia, were the owners of YouPorn." His name is Zach Hong and he lives in Australia.

Oh yes. We Malaysians have something to be proud of. Malaysia Boleh! This guy should be in the Malaysian Book of Records... he might even be eligible for a Datukship!

FYI, Malaysia has decided to fight back by blocking streamyx access to, so will teach those who want to see what a Malaysian guy managed to create.

Ok, actually, this all turned out to be old news, but I just found out about it and I think that it's interesting...

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Liar's Poker: The mini-sequel

Anyone remember Mark Lewis? The writer of Liar's Poker?

The guy is part of a team of people who are making an absolute killing from holding some short positions in mortages via Credit Default Swaps from several years ago.

Anyhow, he wrote a really really really brilliant article, if you've got any interest in the finance world whatsoever, you simply have to read it. It's seriously better than Liar's Poker, in the sense that, from his writing, you can tell that the corruption and loss of integrity and rise in stupidity is far far greater than what it was years ago, back when Mark Lewis first got famous from his book.

It 9 pages long, and a long long wall of text. But it is WORTH IT. Trust me.

The guy foresees this as the destruction of Wall Street, and that things will never be the same quite again after this.
I don't think it's quite THAT bad, but I do agree that the damage done is simply catastrophic, and government intervention has not ELIMINATED it... in fact it is not possible to eliminate these sort of horrors. What the government has done is simply delay it's effects and slow down the process.

IMHO, this is just being stupid. But then again, when I go to the dentist, I tell them to fix everything in one sitting, no matter how painful it is... I'd rather get it all done then get on with my life than to have to spend the next 3 months coming in and out trying to spread the pain out.

Obama should put these guys on on his team... in a world of overoptimism, these guys are realists.

I'm not saying that he should ONLY have nay-sayers on his team. But it always makes sense to have someone of both sides of an argument. To balance everything out. To make sure you are getting, if not an unbiased opinion, then 2 biased opinions from both sides of the coin.

These guys... very smart. Yes, I can call people smart too. Shocking huh? They could recognise the weaknesses of other people and exploit them. ... that doesn't sound like a complement when I put it that way, does it? hahaha.

Seriously. In this day and age, everyone is all "polite" and says things like "everyone has a right to their own opinion" and "no one is stupid... it's rude to call people stupid"
The reality is: Some people have an opinion and it's wrong. Some people really are stupid. And if you know someone is very very stupid, you can benefit by just doing the opposite of whatever they're doing.

Summary: Read the article:

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